Professional athletes
Is a technical project born in 2018 to train professional athletes. The athlete is the main actor and his determination is assisted by Lisphera that takes care of every technical detail for a psycho-physical preparation.
We are happy to partecipate but we compete to win
731 was created to follow athletes who want to climb the world ranks of athletics and who combine their talent with great personal motivation.
Lisphera Training Camp Kenya
Lisphera has set up a training camp to experience athletics 24 hours a day.
The whole organization is designed to give the best service to professional athletes. A place suitable for Kenyan athletes but also for athletes from all over the world who want to prepare themselves and want to take particular care and attention to every detail during their career.
The role of the athlete is to have great motivation and discipline. Lisphera has the task of giving constant support to its athletes.
Dream, Discipline and Fun
Lisphera Style